September 12

Inspiration Results – September 12


Every Monday, I post a painting “inspiration.” Every Thursday, I post how I interpreted the inspiration. I decided to do this to keep myself painting, to strengthen how I go from an idea to a painting, and to give myself permission to play and try new things.

This month, I’m committed to finishing paintings I’ve started but never completed. So my inspiration for the month of September is FINISHING WHAT I STARTED. Here’s what it looks like around my house…

Finish Up Mess

Sometimes things have to get worse before they get better.

After I finish up some paintings in September, I would love for October’s “inspirations” to come from you. Do you have an idea for me? If so, please leave a comment with your inspiration idea. It can be a word, a story, an idea, a time period, a book, a song…whatever you can think of.

Posted by lori . Filed under Inspiration | 10 Comments

September 11

Exciting News


I have a new job, and I am excited beyond belief. I am the new Manager Trainee for the Mishawaka Ten Thousand Villages store.

Ten Thousand Villages

I’ll tell you more in future posts. For now, I am so grateful.

Posted by lori . Filed under Want to Talk About (Whatever) | 18 Comments

September 10

Greyhounds In Advertising


I love to spot a Greyhound. Here are some Greyhounds used in advertising.

Lincoln Greyhound Hood Ornament

Lincoln Hood Ornament - Selected by Edsel Ford in 1927 as a symbol of speed and grace, it was used from 1927 to 1940.

Absolut Greyhound

ABSOLUT Greyhound – A drink campaign involving a collaboration between ABSOLUT Vodka and electronic dance music trio, Swedish House Mafia. An ABSOLUT Greyhound cocktail is 1 part ABSOLUT vodka and 3 parts pink grapefruit juice.

Trussardi Jeans Advertisement

Trussardi Fashion – Nicola Trussardi created the spiky greyhound logo in 1973. Can you see it between the words “Trussardi” and “jeans?” Greyhounds figure in many Trussardi ads and even in their runway shows.

Posted by lori . Filed under Greyt Hounds (Greyhounds) | 15 Comments

September 9

In My Studio – September 9


Here’s what’s been happening in my studio…

I received my monthly Paper Pumpkin box, so I made these cards for Cards For A Cause.

September Card 1

September’s featured organization is Send Love Today of Berea, Ohio.

This Week’s Inspiration

In 2013, I’m doing Inspiration Mondays and Results Thursdays. Every Monday, I’ll post a painting “inspiration” and then on Thursdays, I’ll post how I’m interpreting that inspiration.

Last Thursday I announced that this month I’m committed to finishing paintings I’ve started but never completed. So my inspiration for the month of September is FINISHING WHAT I STARTED. I’ll have some finished paintings to show you on Thursday.

After I finish up some paintings in September, I would love for October’s “inspirations” to come from you. Do you have an idea for me? If so, please leave a comment with your inspiration idea. It can be a word, a story, an idea, a time period, a book, a song…whatever you can think of.

Posted by lori . Filed under In My Studio, Inspiration | 10 Comments

September 8

Creative Thursday


Every Sunday, I write a post that I put under the category, “Creating the Creator.” I’ve had this category and practice since I started writing What Remains Now.  My intention was (and is) to keep creativity as a priority in my life.  I’ve recorded my journey through books and e-courses. Some have been easy and some have been intense. Currently, my life is in a big period of change as my husband and I have been looking for new jobs, so I was trying to think of something that I could do that wouldn’t be too difficult or time-consuming and that would help me move my creative practice into a new work life and schedule.

Creative Thursday

I tend to have “future” reading material on my bookshelves and on my Nook, so a trip to the bookstore wasn’t necessary. I found this wonderful book waiting for me…Creative Thursday by Marisa Anne.

I’m hoping for a fun, inspirational read that will help me move my creativity into a new schedule of commitments. Please join me.

Posted by lori . Filed under Creating the Creator (Creativity) | 14 Comments

September 7

Quilt Gardens Along The Heritage Trail


Since I participated in a photo challenge called The August Break 2013 during the month of August, I have a few past Artist Dates to tell you about.

Quilt Gardens Tour 1

My girlfriend and I took our moms on a driving tour of the Quilt Gardens along the Heritage Trail.

Quilt Gardens Tour 2

The Quilt Gardens are 19 quilt-inspired gardens.

Quilt Gardens Tour 3

The Heritage Trail begins in Elkhart, Indiana, where we picked up a free audio tour CD that guided us through 7 communities in Elkhart county’s Amish country.

Quilt Gardens Tour 4

The Amish are known for simple living, plain dress and reluctance to adopt many conveniences of modern living.

Quilt Gardens Tour 5

Motor vehicles are one such convenience of modern living. The Amish use horse and buggy.

Quilt Gardens Tour 6

The audio CD tells the area’s history with personal stories and fun-facts. More than once, we all said, “I didn’t know that!”

Quilt Gardens Tour 7

For instance, on roads in Amish country, there is a darkened strip on the edges. This is caused by the horses’ hooves.

Quilt Gardens Tour 8

We took all day visiting the different towns and quilt locations.

Quilt Gardens Tour 9

One of our last stops was super fun…Rocket Science Ice Cream & Coffee Shoppe.

Quilt Gardens Tour 10

They make ice cream from scratch using real cream and freeze it with liquid nitrogen. It was delicious!

Quilt Gardens Tour 11

It was a great day.

Posted by lori . Filed under Artist Date | 22 Comments

September 6

Poetry & Kindness 30.0


Every Friday, I share a poem. Friday is also the day I post a prompt of something you can do to make the world a kinder place. I call this the Kind is Kool challenge.

I offer both the poem and the kindness challenge without any obligation, so “Comments” are turned off every Friday. Enjoy.

Poetry 30 - Cozumel Memory


We Are Not Always Glad When We Smile

We are not always glad when we smile:
Though we wear a fair face and are gay,
And the world we deceive
May not ever believe
We could laugh in a happier way. –
Yet, down in the deeps of the soul,
Ofttimes, with our faces aglow,
There’s an ache and a moan
That we know of alone,
And as only the hopeless may know.

We are not always glad when we smile, –
For the heart, in a tempest of pain,
May live in the guise
Of a smile in the eyes
As a rainbow may live in the rain;
And the stormiest night of our woe
May hang out a radiant star
Whose light in the sky
Of despair is a lie
As black as the thunder-clouds are.

We are not always glad when we smile! –
But the conscience is quick to record,
All the sorrow and sin
We are hiding within
Is plain in the sight of the Lord:
And ever, O ever, till pride
And evasion shall cease to defile
The sacred recess
Of the soul, we confess
We are not always glad when we smile.

James Whitcomb Riley


Kind is Kool Challenge

Kind Is Kool 500x200

Week 30 Challenge – Donate something…blood, time, gently used items.

Posted by lori . Filed under Poetry & Kindness | No Comments

September 5

Inspiration Results – September 5


Every Monday, I post a painting “inspiration.” Every Thursday, I post how I interpreted the inspiration. I decided to do this to keep myself painting, to strengthen how I go from an idea to a painting, and to give myself permission to play and try new things.

This month, I’m committed to finishing paintings I’ve started but never completed. So my inspiration for the month of September is FINISHING WHAT I STARTED. Here are the paintings I’m starting with…

Finish Up 1

Finish Up 2

Finish Up 3

Finish Up 4

Finish Up 5

Posted by lori . Filed under Inspiration | 7 Comments

September 4

Spencer Gallery


I was invited to display some of my paintings at my local library, the Mishawaka-Penn-Harris Public Library.

SG 1

My paintings are on display August 30 thru September 26, 2013.

SG 2

I’m hosting an Artist Reception on Tuesday, September 17, 6-8 pm. Everyone is invited!

SG 3

It’s a little scary, but I tell myself to accept invitations gratefully and don’t over-think it.

SG 4

I certainly could have planned better.

SG 5

I took ten paintings, five for each of the two display walls.

SG 6

Ten paintings seemed like a lot to me.

SG 7

Ten paintings are not a lot in a large space.

Spencer Gallery Wall

Next week, I’m taking in a few more to fill things out a bit.

SG 8

I’ll be sure to take plenty of photos.

SG 9

“Thank You!” to the Mishawaka-Penn-Harris Public Library for this opportunity.

SG 10

Posted by lori . Filed under Creating the Creator (Creativity), Want to Talk About (Whatever) | 17 Comments

September 3

Halo Treats & Fresh Scents Sachets


Because our mom spent the month of August participating in a photo challenge call The August Break 2013, we are behind with our reviews.

August Review - Freedom 1

Freedom: What do we have to review this month?

Mom: This month, we’re reviewing Halo Healthsome Cat Treats from and Fresh Scents Pet Sachets.

August Review - Freedom 2

Freedom: So, we get to review cat treats and things that cover up our naturally wonderful doggy aroma. Terrific. How did you manage that stellar line-up? Mom, you’re fired!

Halo Healthsome Cat Treats

Mom: Let’s get on with the reviews. First up, Halo Healthsome Cat Treats. We are reviewing the Select Seafood Combo Flavor Grain-Free treats. These treats have not one, not two, but three delicious types of fish, making every bite a fishy feast to savor. Salmon, trout, and whitefish are mixed with pumpkin, tomatoes, and catnip for a genuinely irresistible and healthy snack that cleans your kitty’s teeth as she (or he) chews.

Key Benefits

  • Crunchy texture helps keep teeth clean and breath fresh
  • Cats go crazy for catnip
  • Three sources of easy-to-digest protein
  • Grain-free treat suitable for sensitive stomachs
  • Pumpkin regulates digestive tract

Halo Healthsome Cat Treats Close

Mom: I particularly love the small size. Makes giving treats fun and guilt-free.

Twinkie Seal Of Approval

Twinkie: Hey, Freedom! You’re right, reviewing treats is really hard work! Four paws up for Halo Healthsome Cat Treats.

Fresh Scents Pet Sachets

Mom: We also received these lovely sachets from Fresh Scents. Fresh Scents sachets are eco-friendly, using recyclable paper, earth-friendly fragrance oils and biodegradable ingredients. They’re made in the USA, in South Carolina. The Fresh Scents Pet Sachets are non-toxic, so they’re safe to use around pets, and they’re made to neutralize odors, not mask them. The packaging is adorable (four different designs), and they are very reasonably priced at $2 per sachet.

Thank you, and Fresh Scents for asking us to do these reviews. Twinkie received a free bag of Halo Healthsome Select Seafood Combo Flavor Grain-free Treats for doing this review, and I received two Fresh Scents Pet Sachets. The opinions expressed are strictly Twinkie’s and mine.

Posted by lori . Filed under Greyt Hounds (Greyhounds) | 19 Comments