The entire month of August, I participated in The August Break 2013 hosted by Susannah Conway. I posted a different picture every day, following a list of prompts provided by Susannah. Here’s a recap:

01. breakfast – I’m trying real hard to eat something in the morning for breakfast. Yogurt seems to be the easiest, so I’ve started with that.
02. circles – I looked and looked for circles and then I remember the wine rack. I thought it was funny that my curtains also have circles on them.
03. yellow – I have loved these sunflowers for 10+ years. I bought them at a Home Interiors party, and I bring them out every summer.

04. love – A picture of my mother’s hand in mine. I had to take about 10 pictures in order to get one where her hand looked older than mine.
05. close up – This is a detail from a card a friend made for me.
06. diagonals – Remember the Artist Date I took at The Eatery | Reads & Things? This is where I work and the picture is a detail from the building.

07. skyline – I took this picture in April. The day of prompt was grey and rainy. I tried to get something interesting, but all I got was grey.
08. a selfie – I do not like taking selfies. I envy younger folks and their ease in front of a camera.
09. taste – I took this picture of an old set of silverware in one of my favorite antique stores, Mishawaka Antiques.

10. red – This picture was also taken at Mishawaka Antiques. I spotted this red beauty as soon as I walked in the door. A dime for a nice cold glass bottle of Coke.
11. play – Sneaky Snake! This is Nikki’s favorite toy.
12. far away – I was very careful to exercise standing-in-the-middle-of-train-tracks safety while taking this picture.

13. home – Freedom and Casper are the window-watchers in our home. Nikki generally hangs back until something exciting happens.
14. stillness – Perhaps an odd subject for “stillness,” but that’s what intrigued me. This little guy was sitting on a rock outside our front entrance making chirping noises. Whatever he was saying, it must have been very important because when I came around the corner, he did not move. He just went still until I went away, then he started chirping again.
15. books – This day was a challenge. I’ve taken pictures of books before. I wanted to do something different, so I came up with a little scene. Both the Raggedy Ann and book are from my childhood. I never realized the book had an illustration of a Greyhound.

16. floral – I liked the colors in this photo. I took this picture in the Oliver Mansion gardens.
17. touch – Jan of Staying Awake inspired this photo. I was stumped over what to do for “touch.” I saw Jan’s photo of a hand holding two feathers, and I had my subject.
18. looking down – I tried and tried to come up with something interesting. In the end, I photographed what was there.

19. white – Eggs are so pretty. A few eggs on fiber-fill, and I had the picture I wanted.
20. taste 2.0 – I’ve been known to grab an order of fries to snack on when I have a distance to drive. The words on the bag were a bonus.
21. something old – I love snapping pictures in antique stores. The items are always so interesting. This photo was taken at Mishawaka Antiques.

22. midday – This is where I had lunch in downtown Elkhart, Indiana, the day of the prompt.
23. sacred – I pass this cross almost every day. The decorations change, and it breaks my heart when I think of the loss and longing behind this memorial. It reminds me that life can change in an instant.
24. hear – A detail from the fountain in front of the Beiger Mansion in Mishawaka, Indiana.

25. Sunday morning – A sleeping kitty just screams “Sunday morning.”
26. YESÂ – This was a happy accident. I wasn’t coming up with any ideas for this prompt. I was actually thinking of writing the word “YES” on a piece of paper, taking a picture and being done with it. Then, I remembered that that day at lunch, I’d picked up an embossing folder with letters. Would the “y” “e” and “s” be close enough to get my picture…YES!
27. number – I wanted a photo of a clock face because I liked the idea that the face has numbers and that our lives are plotted out by time. This is a photo of a towering clock in downtown Elkhart, Indiana.

28. smell – Like the iris on Day 16. floral, I took this photo in the Oliver Mansion gardens.
29. your fave thing – I have too many favorite things to pick from, but Freedom is pretty clear on her favorites.
30. sign – This would have been a good shot for Day 06. diagonals too.
31. smile – This is a photo from my Artist Date in Long Grove, Illinois. A little teeny tiny fake cow. So cute.
Which was your favorite?