October 2
Books I Read – Jul-Sep 2013
Here’s what I’ve been reading the last three months…
A Land More Kind Than Home by Wiley Cash
This novel is set in a small North Carolina town and revolves around family, secrets, love, evil and tragedy. The characters are strongly drawn, but you always have the sense that you don’t know everything that going on. This novel is narrated by three voices; Jess, a young boy; Adelaide, the town midwife; and Clem, the town sheriff. Â At the center of the present day story is a evil charismatic pastor. This novel is heartbreaking, memorable and a great pick if you like southern novels with a dark, tragic bend. This would make a great book club pick because there’s a lot to talk about.
Heart-Shaped Box by Joe Hill
This is a horror story…Judas Coyne is a semi-retired, heavy metal rocker who collects macabre objects. When a suit, said to be haunted by the owner’s ghost is offered in an online auction, he purchases it. I’ll leave it at that. Great characters, a compelling story. If you love horror, give this one a try. Fun fact…Joe Hill is the son of Stephen & Tabitha King.