July 24

Road Trip Souvenirs


I love bringing home souvenirs to remind me of trips and special times. The road trip I took with my mom and one of my sisters was no exception. Here are the souvenirs I picked up that will remind me of this special trip for years to come.

From Shaker Village, Kentucky…a Shaker broom.

Shaker Broom

This broom was handmade by a craftsman. It’s even signed.

Signed Broom

This is a picture of Billy. Thank you, Billy. I will use and treasure this broom for years to come.

Shaker Village 9

From Juliette, Georgia…an old bottle (the one on the right).

Old Bottles

This is a new collectible for me. I love finding a bottle from the area I’m visiting. This one is from Forsyth, Georgia.

Georgia Bottle Detail

From Senoia, Georgia…handcrafted “walker” bits. These were made by Andrea Faye of Peachtree City, Georgia.

Zombie Pieces

What is your favorite souvenir to bring back from a trip?

Posted by lori . Filed under Want to Talk About (Whatever) | 17 Comments

July 23

True Chews


Review time! Freedom, Casper and Nikki were once again asked to do a review by the amazing Chewy.com. This month…True Chews Premium Jerky Cuts.

True Chews

Just look at them! Super yummy. True Chews is dedicated to providing your dog with only 100% natural chews, proudly made rawhide-free and without fillers in Independence, Iowa, USA. Nothing fancy, just natural, healthy, safe chews for your dog!

The Mission – Get an adorable picture of Freedom, Casper and Nikki sitting nicely for their True Chews treat.

The Result – Blurry pictures of hounds gone wild.

Photo 1

True Chews Photo 1

Casper – Hyperextends his tongue in anticipation of the treat.

Freedom – Focuses laser eyes on the treat.

Nikki – Spots the camera and tries to decide if getting a treat is worth having her photo taken.

Photo 2

True Chews Photo 2

Casper – Tired of waiting for the treat considers just lunging for it.

Freedom – Maintains composure but is getting mighty hungry, as evidenced by the appearance of the tongue.

Nikki – Outta here.

Photo 3

True Chews Photo 3

Casper – Realizes he’s going to have to be a good boy in order to get a treat.

Freedom – Sooo clooose. Sitting nicely pays off.

Nikki – Decides the treats look mighty good, so maybe getting your picture taken IS worth it.

Chewy Logo

Even though the photos aren’t good…the treats were. True Chews get a hearty “all paws up” from Freedom, Casper and Nikki. Thank you, Chewy.com for asking us to do this review. Freedom, Casper and Nikki received a free bag of True Chews Premium Jerky Cuts Chicken Tenders Dog Treats for doing this review, but the opinions expressed are strictly Freedom, Casper and Nikki’s.

Posted by lori . Filed under Greyt Hounds (Greyhounds) | 17 Comments

July 22

In My Studio – July 22


Here’s what’s happening in my studio:

I received my monthly Paper Pumpkin box, so I made this cute banner. It was perfect timing because we celebrated my daughter’s birthday and graduation from Purdue University on Saturday.

July Paper Pumpkin

This Week’s Inspiration

In 2013, I’m doing Inspiration Mondays and Results Thursdays. Every Monday, I’ll post a painting “inspiration” and then on Thursdays, I’ll post how I’m interpreting that inspiration.

Last week’s inspiration was GENTLENESS.

Gentleness Girl 2

This week’s inspiration is…GOODNESS.

Posted by lori . Filed under In My Studio, Inspiration | 13 Comments

July 21

SHED – Part 6


I’m working my way through the book SHED Your Stuff, Change Your Life by Julie Morgenstern.

Small SHED

SHED - (Separate the Treasures, Heave the Trash, Embrace Your Identity, Drive Yourself Forward)

When I first saw this book, I immediately thought of my “stuff,” but SHED’ing involves more than that. There are three areas where you work the SHED process…physical space, time and bad habits.

When you’re ready to examine how you use your time, you begin by identifying your roles, responsibilities, commitment and tasks. Which ones are depleting your energy rather than fueling it? After making those identifications, Julie asks you to stop and examine why you made those commitments in the first place. Her contention is that unless you understand why you assumed the roles and made the commitments, you are at risk of replacing them with others of a similar nature.

So what is your attachment to these roles and commitments? Burdensome commitments make their way onto our calendars and to-do lists in three ways:

Obsolete need – Made sense when you first took on the responsibility, but now it isn’t relevant.

Right impulse, wrong activity – It seemed like it would fulfill a meaningful need in your life, but it is draining and the wrong activity.

Insecurity – Sometimes you take on things because of your own insecurities.

SHED - Part 6

Once you’ve identified your attachment to the commitment, you can better choose how to eliminate it. Julie gives you tips on how to proceed.

Delete - Cease your commitment to the task, responsibility or role altogether.

Delegate – Assign the task or responsibility (or some part of it) to someone else.

Do it (but diminish the task) – If there is no escaping the task, responsibility or role, figure out a way to do it smarter and faster.

For myself, I don’t have a lot of roles and commitments that I need to eliminate or diminish. My biggest challenge has to do with tasks I’ve set for myself. I’m reviewing my to-do list. One task my husband and I eliminated from our to-do list is mowing the grass. Neither one of us enjoyed it or wanted to do it. After years of fussing over it, we decided to hire someone to do it. It costs us money, but we decided it was worth it because it ensures that it is done regularly and nicely, and we don’t fight over it. In this instance, we delegated the task.

As with all the books I work my way through, my blog posts only touch the surface of the material that’s presented in the book. I encourage you to checkout the book if it sounds interesting.

Oops…I promised a SHED of some “meaningful treasures.” I’ll have that for next week.

Posted by lori . Filed under Creating the Creator (Creativity) | 12 Comments

July 20

Stone Mountain, Georgia


Every Saturday, I share my weekly Artist Date.

Stone Mountain 1

For the last few weeks, I’ve been sharing some of the stops we made during the road trip I took with my mom and one of my sisters. This was our final stop…Stone Mountain, Georgia.

Stone Mountain 2

Stone Mountain is a a quartz monzonite dome monadnock. I had to look up those terms…quartz monzonite is the predominant type of rock Stone Mountain is composed of, and a monadnock is an “isolated rock hill, knob, ridge, or small mountain that rises abruptly from a gently sloping or virtually level surrounding plain.” Not only is Stone Mountain known for its geology, it’s also known for the enormous bas-relief (a projecting image with a shallow overall depth) on its north face. In fact, it’s the largest bas-relief in the world. The carving depicts three figures of the Confederate States of America: President Jefferson Davis on Blackjack, General Robert E. Lee on Traveller and General Stonewall Jackson on Little Sorrel. The entire carved surface measures 3 acres.

Stone Mountain 3

During the 1800’s, Stone Mountain, Georgia supported a quarrying industry. Its granite was shipped all over the world and was used in the federal gold depository at Fort Knox, the Panama Canal, the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo, and in the foundation of the Lincoln Memorial. Virtually every state has a building that uses Stone Mountain granite.

Stone Mountain 4

In 1915, Gutzon Borglum, a famous sculptor, drew up the first sketches of the memorial, for Mrs. Helen Plane, a charter member of the United Daughters of the Confederacy. Borglum envisioned a carving with seven central figures accompanied by “an army of thousands.”

Stone Mountain 5

Lack of funding and World War I delayed the start of the carving until 1923.

Stone Mountain 6

In 1924, Borglum finished the head of Robert E. Lee and unveiled it on the general’s birthday in January. Later that year, the committee overseeing the construction of the Stone Mountain memorial voted to cancel Gutzon Borglum’s contract after a dispute. Borglum went on to carve the figures on Mount Rushmore in South Dakota.

Stone Mountain 7

In 1925, Augustus Lukeman took over the project. He suggested that Stonewall Jackson, Robert E. Lee and Jefferson Davis be enshrined on the face of the mountain.  Gutzon Borglum’s work was blasted off the face of the mountain, and in 1928, Augustus Lukeman unveiled his work. Lukeman was only able to partially complete the figures of Lee and Davis before the owners of Stone Mountain reclaimed their property, ending any attempt to complete the sculpture.

Stone Mountain 8

The State of Georgia purchased Stone Mountain and the surrounding land in 1958 to create a 3,200 acre park.

Stone Mountain 9

During the early 1960’s, attractions opened up and in 1964, carving resumed on the Stone Mountain Confederate Memorial under the direction of Walter Hancock.

Stone Mountain 10

The Stone Mountain carving was completed in 1972.

Posted by lori . Filed under Artist Date | 16 Comments

July 19

Poetry & Kindness 28.0


Every Friday, I share a poem. Friday is also the day I post a prompt of something you can do to make the world a kinder place. I call this the Kind is Kool challenge.

I offer both the poem and the kindness challenge without any obligation, so “Comments” are turned off every Friday. Enjoy.

Poetry 28


The Unseen Miracle

The Angel of the night when night was gone
High upon Heaven’s ramparts, cried, “The Dawn!”

And wheeling worlds grew radiant with the one
And undiminished glory of the sun.

And Angel, Seraph, Saint and Cherubim
Raised to the morning their exultant hymn.

All Heaven thrilled anew to look upon
The great recurring miracle of dawn.

And in the little worlds beneath them–men
Rose, yawned and ate and turned to toil again.

Theodosia Garrison


Kind is Kool Challenge

Kind Is Kool 500x200

Week 28 Challenge – Think of something nice to do for someone and do it.

Posted by lori . Filed under Poetry & Kindness | No Comments

July 18

Inspiration Results – July 18


Every Monday, I post a painting “inspiration.” Every Thursday, I post how I interpreted the inspiration. I decided to do this to keep myself painting, to strengthen how I go from an idea to a painting, and to give myself permission to play and try new things.

This week’s inspiration was GENTLENESS.

Gentleness Girl 1

I’m still working on her, but she’s close to done.

Gentleness Girl 2

This is my first girl with closed eyes.

Gentleness Girl 3

How to be HAPPY!


Every Thursday, Jay of The Depp Effect, posts something that makes her happy, and I’m playing along. She encourages us to look around and notice the things that make us happy. I enjoy this challenge because it makes me consider the things that make me happy, but are easily overlooked. It’s a wonderful exercise in attention and gratitude. Please grab the badge and join in.

Here’s something that makes me happy…SHARP SCISSORS.

Sharp Scissors

I was thinking about things that make me happy, and right away I thought of the satisfaction and ease that comes with using a pair of sharp scissors. This is my collection of “good” scissors. By “good,” I mean “hidden.” I have a special box where I keep these scissors so they’ll be used for the purpose for which they were intended, as opposed to purposes for which they weren’t intended…like cutting open plastic clamshell packaging. Not that this has ever happened in our home. I received four of the six as presents. Scissors actually make a very nice gift. The right tool makes the task a pleasure.

Posted by lori . Filed under Inspiration | 8 Comments

July 17

Postcard Collection


I’m spending time in July (on Wednesdays and Saturdays) writing about the road trip I took in June with my mom and one of my sisters to visit relatives in Tennessee and Georgia.

New Postcards

One thing I’ve done all my life is pick up postcards, but what to do with them?

Postcard Album

I have an old postcard album where I keep some of them.

Pages From The Postcard Album

I’m thinking about incorporating some in my Project Life photo albums and storing the odd ones in a box. What do you think? What’s the best way to enjoy and have access to a postcard collection?

Posted by lori . Filed under Want to Talk About (Whatever) | 17 Comments

July 16

Frozen Treats


It’s summer! and time for frozen treats.

Frozen Treat Ingredients

When we first adopted Casper, he had trouble with dairy products, so I started making him this special treat.

Casper’s Pumpkin & Peanut Butter Houndie Ice Cream

2 cups rice milk

1 can pumpkin

1/2 cup peanut butter

Stir together pumpkin and peanut butter.  Stir in rice milk (1/2 cup at a time) until smooth.  Pour into individual containers.  Freeze.

Frozen Treat Containers

Super simple and delicious.

Yummy Homemade Treat - Casper

Another way to get frozen treats…win them.

Sweet Note From Wyatt

Freedom, Casper and Nikki were super lucky and won a Frosty Paws Prize Package from Wyatt and Stanzie. If you love all things green and growing and super good looking pups, you’ll love Wyatt and Stanzie’s blog, Gardening with Wyatt.

Frosty Paws Prize Package

The Frosty Paws Prize Package included an insulated backpack, a water bottle for the pups, a pop-up bowl, an insulated food container, a plastic bone filled with waste bags and…

Special Frosty Paws Coupon

a Frosty Paws coupon!

Yummy Frosty Paws - Freedom

Frosty Paws is so yummy!

All Gone - Nikki

Thank you, Wyatt and Stanzie!

Whether homemade or purchased, frozen treats are the best!

Posted by lori . Filed under Greyt Hounds (Greyhounds) | 20 Comments

July 15

In My Studio – July 15


Here’s what’s happening in my studio:

This Week’s Inspiration

In 2013, I’m doing Inspiration Mondays and Results Thursdays. Every Monday, I’ll post a painting “inspiration” and then on Thursdays, I’ll post how I’m interpreting that inspiration.

Last week’s inspiration was LOVE.

Love Girl 3

This week’s inspiration is…GENTLENESS.

Posted by lori . Filed under In My Studio, Inspiration | 16 Comments