May 16

Mess…Week 2


Fill this tree with interesting things.

(I filled it with beautiful words.)

This month, I’m playing my way through the book Mess by Keri Smith.

Last week, I started working my way through some of the exercises (click here to see that post).  The thing that struck me the most was: 1. My life is filled with wonderful things that I do and that I enjoy.  2. These activities support and enrich the life I have and the life I love.  3  Something is missing.  That “something” is taking the time to play, to dream, to experiment.  I want to change that.  I think that everyone reading this understands my challenge because it is the same challenge we all face…where do I find the time?

I started blogging in January, sort of on a whim.  I felt the pull to reconnect to my “creative” side, so I started on a journey to do that.  It’s five months later and this journey has become VERY important to me.  Much more important than I ever imagined.  So what does that mean?  For me, I need to reexamine every aspect of my life and reassess my priorities and the way I use my time.

So how do I do that?  I’m going to start by reviewing some resources on time management and goal setting to see if I can gain some clarity and skill in making a shift in my life.  That leads me to ask you, “What have you done when you’ve decided to pursue a new goal or had a change in your life that caused you to have to “shake things up” and change some of your priorities and habits?  Do you have any favorite books or web resources that have been helpful?  I’d love to hear from you!

Enough of that…let’s play!

1.  Drip some kind of colored liquid here (ink, watercolor, tea, juice, etc.).

2.  Move the book so that it runs in all directions.

3.  Let dry.

Alternate:  Blow liquid with a straw, or fold page to create a symmetrical inkblot.

(I dropped fabric paint on the page and blew on it with my mouth.)

Abrasion test.  Sand this image until it is gone.

(I sanded it until I liked it.  Then I stopped.)

1.  Think of an object.

2.  Try to draw it by tearing.

(This is a greyhound.)

Alter this image, or deface it to change the meaning of it completely.

(It was a group of dudes; now it’s a group of chicks.)


Posted by lori . Filed under Creating the Creator (Creativity) | 4 Comments

May 15

Creative Space – After (Part 4)

Bookcases – After

Here’s what I’m work on this month in my creative space.  If you’re new to What Remains Now or just want a review, here’s what’s happened so far…January, February, March and April.

One of my goals is to get all the things I work with into this space.  That hasn’t happened so far, and I haven’t been working on projects as I would like to be doing.  I’ve been slowly gathering things up, but mainly I’ve been using my creative space more as a dumping ground.  Here’s what that starts to looks like if you don’t have a plan.

Bookcases – Before

It’s evident to me that I need to get to work on storage.  I’m currently re-doing the closet, so that will play an important role, but I wanted to get this mess cleaned up before it became a big problem.  One of the most important steps in organizing and creating a system that works is setting limits and having a specific place for everything.  This is critical for me because I have “hoarder” tendencies.  Setting limits makes it easier for me to see when I’m getting out of control.

The following list is not complete; it’s just a place for me to start thinking.  Here’s what I need space for:

1.  Items I’ve purchased to re-purpose (top shelves of bookcases)

2.  Supplies like buttons, ribbon, wire, etc. (bookcase shelves and drawers)

I found these great containers at Target.  They fit perfectly in the drawers.

3.  Fabric & yarn (closet)

4.  Items listed on Etsy (closet)

5.  Projects I’m working on (bookcase shelves)

6.  Patterns and inspiration files (bookcase shelves and closet)

7.  Paint, glue, brushes, etc. (bookcase shelves)

The only thing I did this month for the closet was select and purchase the paint.  I’m painting it “Season’s Promise” a fresh yellow-y green.

I’m going to quit goofing around with this and get all my things gathered up so I know what I have.  Let’s see what I have to show you in June!

Posted by lori . Filed under Want to Talk About (Whatever) | 6 Comments

May 14

The Great Gatsby

When I think of the 1920’s, I think of The Great Gatsby.  Published in 1925, it is the story of Jay Gatsby and his love for Daisy Buchanan.  Daisy is old-money; Gatsby is new-money.  The writing is beautiful and the characters and scenes will stay in your mind always.  It deals with money, obsession, greed and the hope of a new beginning.  It is the story of the 1920’s, and a story for all time.

Posted by lori . Filed under Few and Well Chosen (Books) | 2 Comments

May 13

Revolutionary Road

Revolutionary Road is based on the book of the same name, written in 1961.  It looks at conformity in the 1950’s, but you will see that not much has changed and the subject matter is completely applicable today.  It deals with the hopes and aspirations of a suburbanite couple and looks at the price of giving up on our dreams.  Revolutionary Road can be an uncomfortable movie to watch, because it makes you consider things you’ve given up on and compromised in your life.  It is a tragic movie, but it beautifully captures a struggle we all must deal with.

Posted by lori . Filed under A Bowl of Popcorn, a Movie and Thou (Movies) | 2 Comments

May 12

Paper = Pinwheel Flower


April Showers Bring May Flowers


Running With Glitter – Guest Blogger



Scissors (I used a paper cutter)

Glue Stick

Hot Glue Gun

Button & Twine (or some decoration for the center of the flower)

1.  Cut two strips of paper.  I cut my strips 2-1/2″ x 12″.  This makes a very large flower!

2.  Accordion fold the strips of paper.

3.  Glue the two strips of paper together to form a circle.

4.  Pinch one side together and push down to create the pinwheel.

5.  Apply a generous drop of hot glue to the center.  Hold it down until it dries.

6.  Glue the button to the center.

7.  You now have a beautiful paper flower to make into a bouquet or glue on to a pretty card.

Posted by lori . Filed under Look What I Found! Now What Do I Do With It? (Crafts) | 4 Comments

May 11



Casper, Zonda, Miura, Freedom and Nikita, or as Casper likes to think of it…Casper and his ladies

Having friends is one of the best things in life and something that keeps us happy and healthy.  I think the same holds true for our dogs.  Freedom and Casper have three friends that they get to see regularly and several more that they get to see on occasion.  Every great friendship starts off with an introduction.  I recently ran across an article from the Greyhound Adoption Center entitled, “The Right Way to Introduce Dogs.”

It was important to make sure that Casper knew Emma was a dog and not a lure with legs.

Here are a few pointers:

1.  Always introduce dogs on neutral territory.

2.  Make sure the dogs are on a leash when they meet.

3.  If you are tense, your dog will feel it.  Talk to your dog in a confident, reassuring voice throughout the meeting.

4.  Introduce the dogs, head to butt…keep talking during the introductory sniff-fest and try to maintain three to four feet of leash so you are in control.

5.  If possible, go on a walk with the dogs after the initial introduction until you know that they are friends.

What do you think?  How do you introduce your dog to other dogs?



Posted by lori . Filed under Greyt Hounds (Greyhounds) | 5 Comments

May 10

4 Faves – Friends Version 2.0

May’s 4 Faves all come from my friends.  Check out what they like.

Carrie and Bunny

Carrie is the author of two blogs, Tales and Tails and Pink Sunshine.  Sometimes, she shares writing responsibilities with Bunny, one of the Houndstooth girls (Bunny, Blueberry, Lilac and Morgan…Morgan has a blog too, Wandering Wolfy).  Both Carrie and Bunny have shared a few of their favorite things.

Wolf Packs

The Houndstooth gang are hikers (particularly Bunny and Morgan).  While hiking, they like to wear their Wolf Packs.  Not only are they good for holding things, they are a great icebreaker for dogs that folks might typically shy away from.  Morgan can look intimidating, but Carrie said people are drawn to her when she has on her Wolf Pack.  What’s in their Wolf Packs?  Check out this post.  WARNING: Wolf Packs become like leashes…you touch them and the doggies go nuts.


Carrie is a NOOKcolor lover.  Here are her reasons for loving it:

1.  The “Read to Me” feature for kids’ books.

2.  Enhanced NOOKbooks with embedded audio and video content…like cookbooks with video tutorials.

3.  The app for the iPhone and iPod Touch, for when your NOOKcolor is not on-hand.

4.  Being able to get books quickly and easily when you live far away from a bookstore.

Posh Pawz

Anyone who knows the Houndstooth girls knows that they’re a fashionable lot.  Bunny, in particular, is a fashionista hound who always looks her best, sometimes with the help of a beautiful accessory.  Posh Pawz is one of her favorite places to pick up that “just right” collar or coat.  Bunny also loves Around the Hounds and 2 Hounds Design.

Dog Park Finder

The Houndstooth girls love to visit different places.  The Dog Park Finder app helps you find nearby dog parks with pictures, locations and customer comments and ratings.

Posted by lori . Filed under 4 Faves (Favorite Things) | 8 Comments

May 9

Mess…Week 1


Alter this image by using a variety of techniques (e.g., scrubbing, tearing, sanding, etc.)

(I painted over the letters with glitter paint, sprayed it with fabric paint and “framed” it with metallic spray paint.)

This month, I’m working my way through Mess by Keri Smith.  The method behind Mess is:

1.  To throw you into a place where you have little or no control over the outcome.

2.  To work with a variety of materials in an exploratory fashion.

Going into this, I thought my biggest take-away would be to loosen myself up.  That does happen.  This book throws you into exercises that are uncomfortable if you like to control outcomes; BUT what I found myself thinking about most this week was how little time I allow myself to play.  Working through the exercises was just plain fun, and I realized that I never take the time to play for no purpose other than play.  That’s my take-away this week…I want to play, and I think it will change who I am.

Here are a couple of my favorites from this week…

1.  Soak this page with water.

2.  Try to write on it

Alternate:  Drop ink onto wet page.

(I sprinkled the page with nonpareils, then wiped them off.)

1.  Select a series of ten colors in any medium.

2.  Fill in each square in this grid in some kind of regular sequence.

3.  Insert a mistake somewhere.

(I used strips from a magazine. Can you find my mistake?)

1.  Take a couple of crayons.

2.  Scrape the crayons with a knife to create shavings.  Place shavings in middle of the left-hand page.

3.  Fold the page in half.

4.  Using an iron on a low setting, go over the folded page with a few quick passes until the wax melts.

5.  Open page to reveal design.

(I followed the instructions on this one.  Pretty, isn’t it?)

Create a tangle using some kind of string-like material.  Affix it here.

(Little bear thought it would make an awesome wig, so she snagged it before I could glue it in my book.)


Posted by lori . Filed under Creating the Creator (Creativity) | 3 Comments

May 8

Sprucing Up For Spring – After (Part 1)


Let’s look at my “Sprucing Up For Spring” progress.  Here’s my original post.



What I did…I added new pillows and a throw to make things look a little fresher for the warmer months.  I have my eye on two more pillows, but I’m waiting for a half-off sale.



What I did (am doing)…I got rid of the two mismatched chairs.  I’m going to add two small ottomans.  I purchased the one in the picture, but it’s going back because the legs are too modern looking.  I have new ones picked out, but I have to order them.  I also placed a simple green plant on the coffee table.



What I did…nothing.  Initially, I thought I’d buy some frames and do a grouping of pictures, but I just wasn’t convinced that was a good plan.  Recently, a friend had a Simply Said party.  Simple Said sells vinyl designs that you apply to your walls.  I decided to have a show myself, and I think I’m going to do something like that.



What I did…I removed everything from the mantel except for my husband’s unit flag from Iraq and added two simple plants on each side.  I also changed what was on the hearth.  I’m still playing with this area.



What I did (am doing)…I added a light summer throw, and I’m going to make some new covers for my pillows.  See the pretty material I have picked out.  I also changed the lamp shade.

Before (Living Room – His Bookcase)


Before (Living Room – Her Bookcase)


Before (Family Room – His Bookcase)


Before (Family Room – Her Bookcase)


What I did…On my bookcase in the living room, I removed some of the books and knickknacks and added a family picture and a vase of flowers.  On my husband’s bookcase in the living room, we removed a lot of books and we added a display case with his military awards and medals. We didn’t finish the family room bookcases, but the plan is the same…lighten the load.

Tune in on June 12 for the final installment of “Sprucing Up For Spring.”


Posted by lori . Filed under Want to Talk About (Whatever) | 5 Comments

May 7

The Golden Compass


The Golden Compass is the first book in Philip Pullman’s His Dark Materials trilogy.  It is set in a parallel universe to our own.  Lyra Belacqua is the protagonist; a precocious orphan growing up at Oxford College.  This is a book with a great, fun story along with fantastic characters, creatures and adventures.  It is multi-layered and beautifully written.  This is a book you can enjoy for pure story alone or analyze at length.  I highly recommend reading the entire trilogy.

Posted by lori . Filed under Few and Well Chosen (Books) | 3 Comments